𝔸 plane got a message on the PA system: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the captain speaking. Welcome to Flight Number 869, from New York to San Francisco.

The weather ahead is good, and we should have a smooth and uneventful flight.

Now sit back and relax... Oh sh*t!"

Silence followed, and after a few minutes the captain came back on the PA system and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, I am sorry if I scared you earlier; but, while I was talking, the stewardess brought me a cup of coffee and spilled the hot coffee in my lapYou should see the front of my pants!"

A passenger in Economy said, "That's nothing. He should see the back of mine!"

"Should" a plusieurs usages en anglais. En réalité, il s'agit du passé de "shall", que nous n'utilisons pratiquement plus. Le mot est un verbe auxiliaire modal, ce qui signifie simplement qu'il aide le verbe principal à s'exprimer plus complètement, ou avec plus de nuances. En fait, on peut dire sans se tromper que tous les verbes auxiliaires modaux (can, will, must, etc.) jouent ce rôle. Nous allons nous concentrer sur une utilisation de "should", et ce rôle consiste à donner un conseil ou à faire une recommandation. "Tu ne devrais pas être impoli". Ou "Elle devrait être sérieuse dans ses études."

Rappelez-vous que nous ne prononçons pas le "l", tout comme vous ne devez pas prononcer le "l" de "could" et d'autres mots sans rapport, tels que "walk", "calm" ou "talk". Parfois, lorsque nous utilisons "should", c'est pour donner une légère impression de devoir ou d'obligation.

"Should" has more than one use in English. In fact, it is the past tense of "shall" in reported speech, shall being a modal that we use less and less. What is a modal? A modal auxiliary verb is simply a little word that helps the main verb to express itself fully and with more nuance, which is why I often call them helping verbs. In fact, all modal auxiliary verbs (can, will, must, etc.) can be said to play this role. We're going to focus on one use of should, and that use is to give advice or make a recommendation. "You shouldn't be rude". Or "She should be serious about her studies".

Remember that we don't pronounce the 'l', just as you shouldn't pronounce the 'l' in 'could' and other unrelated words, such as 'walk', 'calm' or 'talk'. Sometimes when we use "should" it's to give a slight of duty or obligation.

English French
They should listen to their parents. Ils devraient écouter leurs parents..
Should we tell them or not? Tu as dormi depuis que je suis parti ?
You should play the match tomorrow. Devons-nous leur dire ou non ?
You should see that guy's face! Vous devriez voir la tête de ce type!
I think I should be going, now! Je pense que je devrais y aller, maintenant!

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