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𝔸 guy sits down in a movie theatre and notices that the man in front of him has brought his dog, and it's sitting in the seat next to his. He thinks it's unusual,
but he likes dogs so he decides that as long as it's not a distraction, he won't mention it. The movie starts and pretty soon
there's a funny part.
The dog makes some low yapping noises that sound like laughter. Soon there's a sad part
and the dog appears to be sobbing. This continues throughout the film
and the man sitting behind the dog is gobsmacked.
When the lights come on he taps the dog's owner on the shoulder and
says, "I have to tell you, and I know it sounds bizarre, but it seemed like your dog really enjoyed this movie." The dog owner
looks at the dog and nods. "I know, it is strange indeed," he says, "Because he really hated the book."
To seem, to feel, to sound, to taste, to look, to smell
The French verb "sembler" or "avoir l'air" can be represented by its English equivalent "to seem". For example, "He seems worried."
The thing is that in English we can go further, and use specific sense verbs. She looks ready [eyes] or
They sound angry [ears] or This tastes great [tongue] or You smell good [nose], etc. In the joke we see
another representation of that idea, where the verb "appear" is used: The dog appears to be sobbing. We use seem to say that something or someone appears
to be something, gives the impression of being something or of having a particular quality. Sometimes when you agree with someone you might say "it seems so," or simply...
"seems so." I've also heard, especially in North-American English, "seems like." James: "She's going to win Roland Garros." Aïcha: "Seems so" or "seems like." Choose
the one you prefer and stick with it. Don't forget to have a look at the examples in the table below.