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A pastor said to his congregation, "Next week, I plan to preach about the sin of lying. These days are cursed with too many liars. To help you understand my sermon, I want you all to read Mark 17. Now, I'll see you all next week."

The following Sunday, as he prepared to deliver his sermon, the pastor asked for a show of hands. He wanted to know how many congregants had read Mark 17. Every hand went up. The minister smiled and said, "Mark has only sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying."

Planned actions vs. Spontaneous decisions

𝕃et us begin with a short description of that difference. A planned action is an intention, something you decided to do before speaking (Camille and I are going to the restaurant tomorrow night). A spontaneous decision refers to an action decided at the moment of speaking (I think I'll go to bed, now). You decided to go to bed just before telling me. There's a common notion that the planned future (be going to) necessarily has to be 'proche', but that's false. If it's an intention for an action in one hour or in one year, there's no grammatical difference. It is true, however, that many spontaneous deisions are for immediate or quasi immediate actions.

The pastor says that he (or if it's a woman pastor, she) plans to preach about fibbing. That pastor could very well have said, "I'm going to preach about fibbing next week," and nothing would have changed. Please remember that these are the uses of will and be going to that we are discussing here and now. There are other uses that do not concern us at this point.

Just to be sure that this is crystal clear, un peu de français: la grande distinction entre will et be going to est que le premier est utilisé lorsqu'une activité future est annoncée au moment où l'on parle, tandis que le second fait référence à une action futur qui est planifiée plus tôt, avant de l'exprimer. Une intention. Nous sommes dans la même bureau pour une réunion. Si je me levais soudainement pour partir, vous me demanderiez : "Where are you going ?". Vous ne demanderiez jamais : "Where will you go ?" C'est parce que vous savez que je me lève et me dirige vers la porte pour une raison, et vous voulez savoir quelle est cette raison. Je pourrais donc dire : "Je vais chercher du café" (une intention). Si vous me demandez si je peux vous apporter du chocolat chaud, je pourrais dire "OK, I will" (ce n'était pas une intention avant que je parle).

Check out these example sentences

Examples In French
We're not going to Mexico this summer after all On ne va pas aller au Mexique cet été, finalement
If you help me I'll be grateful Si vous m'aidez, je vous en serai reconnaissant
I think it's going to rain soon Je pense qu'il va bientôt pleuvoir
Okay, we'll call you tomorrow morning Ok, nous vous appellerons demain matin
What will you do? Qu'allez-vous faire ?
What are you going to do? Que comptez-vous faire ?


Will vs. be going to How to use "be going to" and "will"

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